| Dominik Osele

Is coffee on an empty stomach a good idea?

For many people, coffee is more than just a drink; it's a morning ritual that completes the start of the day. For some, the first cup of coffee even replaces breakfast, or at least is enjoyed before the first bite. But is that really a wise decision? Recent research and expert opinions suggest that drinking coffee on an empty stomach poses health risks. From affecting blood sugar levels to possible metabolic diseases, the first cup of coffee in the morning is not as harmless as many people think. In this article, we'll take a closer look at why this is the case and what alternatives there are. So, before you enjoy your next cup of coffee on an empty stomach, be sure to read on.

Coffee on an empty stomach increases blood sugar levels

One of the main arguments against drinking coffee on an empty stomach is its effect on blood sugar levels. Research, including that carried out at the University of Bath in the UK, has shown that blood sugar levels can rise by as much as 50 percent in people who drink coffee on an empty stomach. This is a significant change that can have not only short-term but also long-term health consequences.

But why does coffee affect blood sugar levels so much? Coffee contains substances that can affect glucose metabolism. When you wake up in the morning, your cortisol level is already high, as this hormone naturally boosts your metabolism and prepares you for getting up. When you then drink coffee, this effect is potentiated, leading to an unnaturally high increase in blood sugar.

The consequences of an elevated blood sugar level should not be underestimated. In the short term, this can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and fatigue. In the long term, an elevated blood sugar level can increase the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes, can also be promoted.

So the next time you're tempted to sip your first cup of coffee before breakfast, think about the potential impact on your blood sugar levels. It might be wiser to eat something first and enjoy the coffee as an accompaniment, not as a replacement for a meal.

The studies to date have been conducted with a relatively small number of participants. This means that further research is needed to confirm these results. Nevertheless, experts and nutritional therapists already recommend only drinking coffee during or after breakfast, when cortisol levels have dropped again.

Coffee on an empty stomach attacks the stomach lining

Another reason why drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not a good idea concerns the stomach lining. Coffee naturally contains acids that are created during the roasting process. These acids, together with other substances such as tannins and bitter substances, stimulate the production of gastric juice. The result: an increased risk of heartburn and stomach pain. Especially if you already have a sensitive stomach, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can have unpleasant consequences.

The acids in coffee are not only responsible for the taste, but can also irritate the stomach lining. It is important to understand that the acid content in coffee does not necessarily have anything to do with the taste. A coffee can taste sour, but still be low in acid when it comes to the stomach-burdening caffeine acids. This depends on various factors, such as the type of bean and the roasting.

So if you love coffee but have a sensitive stomach, there are a few things you can consider. First, the choice of coffee bean makes a difference. Arabica beans have lower acidity than Robusta beans. Second, the roast matters. Darker roasts tend to be lower in acidity because the acids are broken down during the longer roasting process. Third, the brewing method can affect the acidity. Cold brew coffee, also known as cold brew, has lower acidity than hot brewed coffee.

So there are definitely ways to make coffee easier on your stomach. Some experts even recommend combining coffee with a balanced breakfast that contains carbohydrates, fats and protein. This provides the body with the nutrients it needs in the morning and makes the coffee more digestible. If you absolutely cannot do without drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you could try softening it with a little milk and sugar. While this is not the healthiest option, it is still better than black coffee on an empty stomach.

Strongly roasted coffees with a high Arabica content contain less chlorogenic acids. Vietnamese coffee is generally dark roasted. So if you have a sensitive stomach, we can recommend our 100% Arabica or HOA recommend.

Coffee is best enjoyed after breakfast

After looking at the different aspects, it is clear that reaching for your morning cup of coffee on an empty stomach should be carefully considered. Whether it is the increase in blood sugar levels or the irritation of the stomach lining, the first cup of coffee of the day can have more impact on your health than you might think. Fortunately, there are alternatives and adjustments you can make to minimize the negative effects. From choosing the right coffee beans to adjusting the roasting and preparation method, there are many ways to make your coffee more stomach-friendly. But the best advice that can be derived from all this information is simple but effective: enjoy your coffee after breakfast. This way you can continue to integrate your beloved pick-me-up into your everyday life without harming your health.

The most important questions and answers about drinking coffee on an empty stomach!

Is coffee on an empty stomach harmful?

Yes, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can increase blood sugar levels and irritate the stomach lining. Experts recommend drinking coffee only after breakfast.

What are the consequences of drinking coffee on an empty stomach?

The consequences can range from increased blood sugar levels to stomach pain. In the long term, this can increase the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

Why does drinking coffee on an empty stomach give me stomach pain?

Coffee contains acids and other substances that can stimulate the production of gastric juice. This can irritate the stomach lining and lead to stomach pain.

How can I make a more stomach-friendly coffee?

To enjoy a stomach-friendly coffee, you should choose Arabica beans and darker roasts. Preparing the coffee as a cold brew or adding milk can also make it easier on the stomach.