Trâm Anh coffee is now roasted in the southern central highlands of Vietnam by the third generation . The company founders Vũ Hùng Anh and Hoang Thị Ánh Tuyết named the company after their third daughter in 1988.

Hand-picked and fertilized exclusively with organic soy and rice husks, Trâm Ahn's harvested beans dry in the wind for a year - at least twice as long as usual.

The coffee is gently heated by drum roasting at a low temperature. The aromas can develop optimally . The coffee simply tastes better and all without the formation of tannins.

Butter in coffee with rum? It may sound unusual at first, but that's exactly what makes Trâm Anh coffee so special. Roasted according to the original recipe with Bretel butter and high-quality alcohol - rum or Hennessy Cognac. This gives the coffee a unique taste that sets it apart from conventional coffee producers.