Importance of regular cleaning for coffee grinders
Coffee grinders are the heart of every coffee-making process. They have a significant impact on the taste and aroma of the coffee. Over time, however, coffee oils and particles can build up in the grinder, which can not only distort the taste but also affect the functioning of the grinder. Therefore, it is crucial to clean the coffee grinder regularly to preserve the quality of the coffee and extend the life of the grinder. In this article, you will learn how to clean your coffee grinder effectively and which mistakes you should avoid.

Influence of coffee beans on the grinder: roasting level, oils and roasting additives
The type of coffee beans you use has a significant impact on the cleaning and maintenance needs of your coffee grinder. Different roast levels and additives in the beans can have different effects on the grinder.
Roasting level: Dark roasted beans tend to release more oil than light roasted beans. These oils can build up in the grinder over time and not only affect how the grinder works, but also alter the taste of future coffee brews. Therefore, if you use dark roasted beans, it is important to clean your grinder regularly to remove oil residue.
Leaking oils: The oils released when coffee beans are roasted are very important for the aroma and taste of the coffee. However, these oils can cause sticking and malfunctions, especially when they accumulate in the grinders. They also attract coffee residues, which accelerates the accumulation of old coffee powder in the grinder.
Roasting additives: Natural additives in the roasting process, such as butter, can give the coffee a very special and, if used correctly, very unique aroma that supports and enhances the natural taste of the bean. However, these additives can also lead to a faster buildup of deposits on the grinder. So if you like to use coffee beans that are roasted with additives, such as our KEO or Tram Anh, then you should clean your grinder a little more often so that the grinder does not get clogged.
To ensure the best performance from your coffee grinder and to preserve the original taste of the coffee, it is crucial to clean the grinder regularly according to the type of beans and roast level used. A well-maintained coffee grinder is a guarantee of high-quality coffee and a long service life of the device.

How do I clean a manual coffee grinder?
Manual coffee grinders are known for their simplicity and durability. They usually consist of fewer parts than electric grinders and are often more robust. The grinding level is set manually, which allows for individual adjustment. Cleaning them is usually easy, as the grinders consist of fewer complex parts than electric grinders.
Step-by-step cleaning instructions for manual coffee grinders:
- Disassembly: Start by disassembling the grinder. This usually involves loosening the handle and removing the grinder.
- Cleaning the grinder: Use a soft brush or paintbrush to remove coffee residue from the burrs or grinding discs. Avoid using water unless specifically recommended by the manufacturer.
- Wiping the case: Clean the housing and the bean container with a dry or slightly damp cloth.
- Drying and assembly: Make sure all parts are completely dry before reassembling the grinder.

How do I clean an electric coffee grinder?
Electric coffee grinders offer convenience and consistency. They are ideal for those who want to grind larger quantities of coffee regularly and quickly. However, electric grinders can be a little more demanding to maintain due to their electronic components.
Step-by-step cleaning instructions for electric coffee grinder:
- Power separation: Always disconnect the grinder from the power supply.
- Cleaning the grinder: Use a special coffee grinder brush to clean the grinder. If the grinder is removable, do this outside the grinder.
- Use of cleaning granules: For permanently installed grinders, special cleaning granules can be used to remove oil and coffee residues.
- Cleaning the external parts: Use a dry or slightly damp cloth for the external parts and the bean container.

How do I clean the grinder in the fully automatic coffee machine?
Coffee grinders integrated into fully automatic coffee machines offer maximum convenience. They are integrated directly into the system of the fully automatic coffee machine and grind the beans fresh for each brewing process. Many users are reluctant to clean the grinder of a fully automatic machine themselves because they are afraid of breaking something and/or affecting the machine's warranty. It is therefore important to follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly when cleaning.
Fully automatic coffee machines can be equipped with either a removable or a permanently installed grinder. The cleaning method varies depending on the type.
Removable grinder:
- Removing the grinder: Turn off the coffee machine and remove the grinder according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure to follow all necessary steps carefully to avoid damage.
- Cleaning: Use a soft brush or paintbrush to remove coffee residue and oils from the grinder. Some grinders can also be cleaned under running water if recommended by the manufacturer.
- Dry: Allow the grinder to air dry completely before reinstalling it. Avoid using cloths or paper to prevent lint.
- Reinstate: Put the grinder back into the coffee machine. Make sure it is positioned correctly to ensure it functions properly.
Non-removable grinder:
- Use cleaning program: Activate the cleaning program of your fully automatic coffee machine, if available. These programs are specifically designed to clean the grinder effectively.
- Cleaning granules: For models without an automatic cleaning program, you can use special cleaning granules. These help to remove oil and coffee residues without having to remove the grinder.
- Regular cleaning: Clean regularly to prevent the accumulation of coffee oils and residues. This will help maintain the quality of the coffee and the longevity of the fully automatic machine.
It is important to clean the grinder in a fully automatic coffee machine carefully and according to the manufacturer's instructions. Inappropriate cleaning methods can damage the grinder and the fully automatic machine.
Common mistakes when cleaning coffee grinders and how to avoid them
Effective and thorough cleaning of the coffee grinder is crucial to maintaining its performance and the quality of the coffee. However, there are some common mistakes that should be avoided to prevent damage to the grinder and ensure optimal cleaning.
Use of soap and water
Many people make the mistake of using soap and water to clean the grinder. This can cause corrosion, especially with metal grinders. Soap residue can also affect the taste of the coffee. It is advisable to use dry cleaning methods unless the manufacturer states that the grinder is water resistant.
Excessive disassembly of the mill
Another mistake is over-disassembling the grinder. While it's important to be able to access the grinder mechanism for a thorough cleaning, unnecessary disassembly can lead to difficulty in reassembly and potential damage. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and only disassemble the parts necessary for cleaning.
Failure to observe the mill type
Each type of grinder, whether manual, electric or integrated into a fully automatic coffee machine, has specific cleaning needs. Failure to observe these specific requirements can lead to ineffective cleaning or even damage.
Use of sharp objects
The use of sharp objects such as knives or screwdrivers to remove coffee residue should be avoided. These can damage the grinder and alter fine settings. Instead, a soft brush or a special cleaning tool should be used.
Not cleaning regularly
Many neglect regular cleaning, which leads to a buildup of old coffee grounds and oils. This not only affects the taste of the coffee, but can also lead to a shortened lifespan of the grinder. Regular, thorough cleaning is essential to ensure the best performance from your coffee grinder.
Why rice or spelt should not be used to clean coffee grinders
Although using rice or spelt as a coffee grinder cleaning agent is popular in some circles, experts and most manufacturers strongly advise against this method. There are several reasons why these home remedies are not recommended and why they may ultimately do more harm than good.
Problems with using rice:
Rice is often too hard for the grinding mechanism of a coffee grinder, especially if it is a grinder designed to grind coffee beans, which are softer than rice grains. This can cause premature wear or even damage to the grinder. In addition, the starch released by the rice can remain in the grinder and leave behind sticky residue. This can affect functionality and often requires even more intensive cleaning.
Problems with using spelt:
Although spelt is slightly softer than rice, there is still a risk of damage to the grinder. The grains can get stuck between the grinding stones or discs and thus affect the mechanics of the mill. As with rice, spelt can also leave residues in the grinder that affect the quality of the ground coffee and require thorough cleaning.
Instead of rice or spelt, special cleaning products for coffee grinders should be used. These are designed to be safe and effective without the risk of damaging the grinder. Regular cleaning with a suitable brush and following the manufacturer's instructions for the care and maintenance of the grinder are the best methods to maintain the life and efficiency of your coffee grinder.
FAQ: Frequently asked questions about cleaning coffee grinders
How often should I clean my coffee grinder?
The frequency of cleaning depends on usage. If you use the grinder daily, we recommend cleaning it at least once a week. If you use it less frequently, cleaning it every two to three weeks is sufficient.
Can I put my coffee grinder in the dishwasher?
No, this is not advisable. Coffee grinders contain delicate parts that can be damaged by the heat and humidity in a dishwasher. Cleaning should always be done manually.
Which cleaning products are safe for my coffee grinder?
It is best to use special cleaning products for coffee grinders. These are designed to effectively remove oils and coffee residue without damaging the grinder. Avoid aggressive cleaning products such as bleach or solutions that contain a lot of alcohol.
How do I clean a coffee grinder with ceramic grinders?
If you have a ceramic grinder, use a soft brush to gently remove coffee residue. Avoid using water or other liquids. Make sure all parts are completely dry before reassembling the grinder.
Why should I clean my coffee grinder regularly?
Regular cleaning removes old coffee oils and residue that can affect the taste of your coffee. It also helps extend the life of the grinder and ensures that it works efficiently.