Miracle cure coffee: How healthy is coffee really?
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world today and is an indispensable part of many people's everyday lives. In Germany, coffee ranks ahead of mineral water and beer on the popularity scale - according to the German Coffee Association, every person in this country consumed almost four cups of the bittersweet brew every day last year.
Now, it is natural to think that such a popular drink cannot exist without a catch. In the past, people with heart disease in particular were warned. After all, coffee actually increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. But the truth could not be further from the truth. So let's find out together: "Is coffee healthy or unhealthy?"
Is coffee good for the heart and circulation?
In the American journal of Clinical Nutrition The results of a study of 347,000 adults of all ages clearly showed that regular coffee consumption does not lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes or worse. Quite the opposite, in fact. It turned out that this risk is significantly higher for non-coffee drinkers. On the other hand, 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day seem to have a particularly positive effect on physical health. The risk can be reduced by 19% compared to non-coffee drinkers. In comparison, a reduction of around 8% was observed among coffee drinkers who content themselves with a moderate amount of 1 to 2 cups a day. The chance of surviving a heart attack is almost twice as high for coffee drinkers as for non-consumers.
However, it should also be mentioned that the upper limit should be 6 cups per day, otherwise the positive effects will be turned into negative ones.
The benefits are not limited to the heart and circulation. Statements from the Coffee Excellence Centers at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences According to research, people who consume coffee daily for decades have a lower risk of a whole range of diseases, including Type 2 diabetes , depressions and Dementia . Two substances are primarily said to have a health-promoting effect: antioxidants and caffeine.

Antioxidants in coffee – secret superhero?
Antioxidants contained in coffee beans such as chlorogenic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid protect our body from so-called free radicals. These are unstable molecules that arise in our body and have an unpaired electron. They are looking for a partner to become stable and attack the cells, proteins and DNA in our body. These reactions can lead to oxidative stress, which plays a crucial role in the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The resulting impaired blood flow to the brain and the subsequent death of brain cells is also a major reason for the onset of d emencial developments .
According to Professor Chahan Yeretzian, head of the Coffee Excellence Center, Instant coffee , Filter coffee and Coffee .
Effects of caffeine in coffee – the loyal sidekick
The better-known effect of coffee, however, is its stimulating effect. Caffeine is the magic word here. It has long been known that coffee can give the human body an energy boost. In fact, the consumption of coffee as a beverage can be traced back to the 15th century, when the coffee culture first emerged in Ethiopia. However, scientific research into the effect of caffeine on the human body only began in the second half of the 20th century. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to examine the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance and alertness.
In 2010, the study The Effects of Low Doses of Caffeine on Cognitive Performance by John L. Temple et al. showed that even a low dose of caffeine – 50 mg – Attention and the reaction time This is the equivalent of an average half cup of filter coffee.

Coffee before going to sleep?
However, you should be careful when you drink your last coffee of the day. What can improve cognitive performance and alertness during the day reduces the healing effect of sleep at night. Caffeine inhibits the release of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that regulates our sleepiness. Coffee doesn’t wake you up by pushing the accelerator. “It just blocks the brakes” , says Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, sleep researcher at DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine . A brake that we would like to apply at night. Because It is not enough just to be able to fall asleep under the influence of caffeine .
According to Elmenhorst, coffee can not only affect the process of falling asleep, but also the duration and quality of deep sleep, which is the most important phase of sleep at night, as it is during this phase that physical recovery takes place – i.e. strengthening the immune system, consolidating memory content (transferring information to long-term memory) and regenerating muscles and tissue. To avoid this negative side effect, it is advisable to at least 6 hours before bedtime to avoid the caffeinated hot drink.
Can caffeine replace sleep?
In a recent study conducted by Dr. Elmenhorst, the effect of coffee consumption on reaction time under conditions of chronic sleep deprivation was investigated. The subjects were subjected to sleep deprivation for a period of five consecutive days. One group consumed coffee (experimental group), while the other group abstained completely (control group).
The results showed that the experimental group had a reaction time equivalent to that of well-rested people during the first two days, in contrast to the control group. However, from the fourth day onwards, no significant differences in reaction time were found between the two groups. A notable disadvantage, however, was that the recovery speed of the coffee-drinking group was impaired, as a single night of adequate sleep was not enough to fully restore their cognitive performance.
In conclusion, the study suggests that coffee can indeed help you perform at your best during a stressful work week. However, you should plan a quiet weekend afterwards to allow your body to regenerate.
Is coffee bad for depression?
The relationship between coffee consumption and depression is an interesting area of research that has received increasing attention in recent years. Studies have shown that Daily consumption of two to three cups of coffee can reduce the risk of depression in women by 15 percent , while more than three cups per day resulted in a 20 percent reduction in risk. Interestingly, this association could not be found in other caffeinated beverages, suggesting that another coffee-specific ingredient may be responsible for the observed effects. However, the exact identification and mode of action of this substance are still the subject of further investigation. Future studies could help to deepen the understanding of the underlying mechanisms and possibly develop new preventive or therapeutic approaches to treat depression.

Is coffee bad for diabetes?
The data is also clear with regard to type 2 diabetes. A recent evaluation of 20 studies from all over the world has shown that with each additional cup of coffee per day, the risk is reduced by 6 percent Overall, this could reduce the risk of illness by 30 percent. Again, the reason for this is not yet fully understood. But the fact is that this applies to both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.
Is coffee bad for asthma?
Did you know that caffeine belongs to the same class of active ingredients as the asthma medication theophylline? As early as 1859, asthma patients were treated with caffeine. According to the authors of a recent Cochrane Reviews caffeine is said to Moderately improve lung function in asthma sufferers for up to four hours . However, this is not enough as a therapy replacement for affected people. Nevertheless, an interesting fact!

Is coffee carcinogenic?
A fascinating series of studies recently found that Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver cancer . Scientists are now investigating whether coffee could also protect against other types of cancer. The results are still unclear. One thing is certain, however: coffee does not increase the risk of cancer. This finding was made several years ago by the International Agency for Research on Cancer officially confirmed. So we can continue to enjoy our beloved coffee, knowing that we are at least doing something good for our liver.